Advanced Fusion Technology AFT Automation Sdn. Bhd.

AFT Automation Sdn. Bhd. specializes in PE, HDPE pipe welding equipment and welding technologies.  1a

Pipe Welding

AFT Automation Sdn. Bhd. has design, development and manufacturing capabilities that enable the company to offer a wide selection of product line-up to handle a wide range of pipe welding jobs. 1b


Our products range from the simpler manually operated welding equipment to the more sophisticated computer assisted and fully automatic models. The higher end models come equipped with Data-logging functions that record all important parameters such as welding pressure, temperature, heating duration, soaking duration, cooling duration, operational date/time and so on.  1c


The micro-controller equipped models also have various welding standards built-in such as DVS, WIS, JKR and TIS. The LCD displays instructions in English, Malay or Chinese languages.  1d


With an easy to read LCD display and digital controls, the smart micro-controller controlled welding system helps the user to weld consistently high quality welds and to avoid human errors. 1f

Contact Us Now !!

AFT Automation Sdn. Bhd. is well positioned in the South East Asia and Asia Pacific region to provide close support and services to our respected customers. We welcome interested parties to work with us to spread the usage of advanced welding tools in this industry. 1g